
TotalBodyFit is a training method that combines weights, athletic and gymnastic moves in one complete workout. Your trainer Mark will offer you all the fundamental moves to create your own varied and high intensity workout.

TotalBodyFit Basis

1. Warm Up

2. Cooling Down

3. Air Squat

4. Front Squat

5. Overhead Squat

6. Deadlift

7. Sumo Deadlift High-pull

8. Medicine Ball Clean

9. Shoulder Press

10. Push Press

11. Push Jerk

Gewichts Oefeningen

12. Power Snatch

13. Squat Snatch

14. Power Clean

15. Squat Clean

16. Split Jerk

Gymnastiek Oefeningen

17. Pull-ups

18. Push-ups

19. Ghd Sit-ups

20. Back Extenstions

21. Abmat Sit-ups

22. Handstand Walk

23. Chest to Bar Pull-ups

24. Toes To Bar

25. Bar Muscle-ups

26. Handstand Push-ups

27. Ring Muscle-ups

28. Skin The Cats

29. Ring Dips

Conditie Oefeningen

30. Box Jump

31. Double Unders

32. Burpees

33. Wall Balls