Hatha Yoga

Met technieken die lichaam, geest en adem verenigen, brengt yoga ons in contact met het dieptste van ons wezen. De professionele yoga docenten van yogasite.eu geven ook uitleg over het spirtuele aspect van yoga op het menselijks lichaam.

In samenwerking met:


1. Childs pose

2. Hamstring stretch left

3. Hamstring stretch right

4. Cat cow pose

5. Downward dog

6. Beginner high plank

7. High plank

8. Beginners flow

9. Flow 2

10. Low runners lunge left

11. Low lunge right

12. High lunge left

13. High lunge right

14. Warrior one left

15. Warrior one right

16. Warrior two left

17. Warrior two right

18. Standing forward bend

19. Chair pose twist left

20. Chair pose twist right

21. Triangle left

22. Triangle right

23. Extended side angle left

24. Extended side angle right

25. Humble warrior left

26. Humble warrior right

27. Prayer twist left

28. Prayer twist right

29. Wide legged forward bend

30. Tree pose left

31. Tree pose right

32. Seated twist left

33. Seated twist right

34. Seated forward bend

35. Cobbler pose

36. Twisted triangle left

37. Twisted triangle right

38. Balance which helps in the forward bend left

39. Balance which helps in the forward bend right

40. Table pose

41. Sitting side stretch left

42. Sitting side stretch right

43. Locust pose

44. Locust pose a b

45. Bridge

46. Compass pose left


47. Chaturunga

48. Cobra upward facing dog

49. Chair pose

50. Chair pose front

51. Reverse warrior pose left

52. Reverse warrior pose right

53. Half moon left

54. Half moon right

55. Revolved side angle pose left

56. Revolved side angle right

57. Warrior three left

58. Warrior three right

59. Side plank left

60. Side plank right

61. Three legged dog left

62. Three legged dog right

63. Eagle pose left

64. Eagle pose right

65. Dancers pose front view

66. Dancers pose right

67. Camel pose

68. Fire log left

69. Fire log right

70. Pigeon pose left

71. Pigeon right

72. Intense forward stretch left

73. Intense forward stretch right

74. Hand to big toe standing balance left

75. Hand to big toe standing balance right

76. Upward plank pose

77. Head to knee forward bend left

78. Head to knee forward bend right

79. Saga Twist left

80. Saga Twist right

81. Wide angle seated forward bend

82. Big toe pose knee option

83. Bow pose

84. Shoulder stand

85. Plow pose

86. Fish

87. Half wheel

88. King pigeon one leg advanced left

89. King pigeon one leg advanced right

90. Squat

91. Wild thing left

92. Wild thing right

93. Sugar cane pose left

94. Sugar cane pose right

95. Standing straddle forward bend

96. Standing straddle forward bend variation

97. Twisted spread left

98. Twisted spread right

99. Lizard pose left

100. Lizard pose right

101. Downward facing dog split left

102. Downward facing dog split right

103. Bridge pose supported

104. One leg bridge pose left

105. One leg bridge pose right


106. Boat pose

107. Big toe pose full version

108. Big toe pose without rolling up

109. Backbend on elbows advanced

110. Crow pose

111. Monkey pose left supported

112. Monkey pose right supported

113. Compass pose right

114. Side crow pose left

115. Side crow pose right

116. Lotus in shoulder stand

117. Seated forward bend with right knee back

118. Seated forward bend with left knee back

119. Seated forward bend right leg in half lotus

120. Seated forward bend left leg in half lotus